D1 Leadership Group General Business Meeting West Valley Library Community Room January 20, 2024

 Jan, 20 - 2024   Meetings & Commission Reports
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Meeting Attendees: Officers: Steve Ling, Chair, Gary Cunningham, Vice-Chair, Jerry Giles, Secretary, Betty Kabanek, Treasurer, and Doris Livezey, Member-at-Large.
Other Attendees: Rosemary Kamei, David Gomez, Dave Sargent, Amy Cody, Elizabeth Guimarin, Roma Dawson, Sarah Phu, Marc Pawliger, Bob Levy, Susan Nye, Don Eberhard, Janet Eberhard, Ashesh Singh, Gary Smith, Aanya Mishra, Roberta Witte, Carlin Black, Daphna Woolfe, Mary Tanner, Pablo Velasquez, and Suzanne Regul.

Action Items:
Doris Livezey asked Marc Berman to send her a map of his district.

Steve Ling opened the meeting at 9:10 am. Officers Introduced by Steve Ling

Marc Berman-23rd District State Assembly Person
Described the geography of his district
A native of Palo Alto, CA
Served on Palo Alto city council
Graduated from USC law school
Worked for some non-profits
Elected in 2016 to CA assembly
Introduced/passed CA law for vote by mail state
Introduced/passed law to trace one’s ballot
Introduced/passed law for state cyber security
Introduced/passed law to regulate AI for elections
Introduced/passed law to ease student transfer process
Introduced/passed laws to protect consumers
Introduced/passed law on hotel extra hidden fees
Introduced/passed law on child pornography
Berman Q&A:
Amy Cody-asked about ACA 1.
Daphna Woolfe-Do you support programs for HS students not going on to college? Berman: yes.
Bob Levy-Thinks SB9 is overkill. Does not resolve homeless issues. Raised issue of climate change.
Don Eberhard-Concerned about product warranty issues.
Betty Kabanek-Charter school issues. Berman supports them.
Officer Elections: Board will consider more at large positions
Doris listed eligible voters. Eligible voters re-elected the current board.
Motion made to approve 11.18.23 meeting minutes. Motion seconded and approved. Robert’s rules don’t require detail or discussion.

Treasurer’s report: Having problems with Beautify Grants
Applied for the Cycle 6 grant. Bank balance: $1,696.92.

Commission reports: No oversight on Measure B. Measure T goes to council in February.
Parks Commission: What is the definition of “parkland?”
Meeting at city hall, 5th floor, room T550, 5:30pm on 2.25.24.
D1 Housing Development Commission: Housing Element rejected for lack of outreach. No Housing Director.

Neighborhood Roundtable: Elizabeth Guimarin (San Tomas Park NA)-Had problems with homeless man who has now left.
Moreland West: Need help from UNSCC.
Member: Gave Planning Commission update. Existing neighborhoods are considered.
Don Eberhard-New Saratoga roadway has major problems.
Mayor’s office does not return phone calls. DOT office has not responded either.
Ashesh Singh-Reported on Eden NA events. Betty K.-mentioned successful events at the Eden NA.
Aanya Misher (student repr.)-Concerned about construction around schools. Need more safety measurers.

Olympia Williams: People want the City to keep the Neighborhood Commission. Has simplified the Beautify Grant proposal procedure. The City has funds for neighborhoods. Wants our input on NAs. Surrounding cities are working to abate SUV parking. Jan 30th council mtg. will address SUV parking.
Amy Cody-Wants grant cycle to be Jan-Dec.
Olympia-Jan to Apr is City budget time. So, we can’t change grant to Jan-Dec.
Betty Kabanek-D1 L.G. has no funds. Cycle 5 hasn’t ended and Cycle 6 has not begun.
Olympia-Wants NAs to coordinate joint Dumpster Days.
NAs should not use grant funds for Dumpster Days. City will cover it.
Ashesh Singh-Notify Olympia 3 months in advance for Dumpster Day funds.

Rosemary Kamei (RK): Thanks leadership group for their efforts. Sign-up for Rosemary’s newsletter. Will host an event for Black History month in February. By month-end should have an approved Housing Element. Comment period for Costco DEIR open until 2/20. 2/5, 6pm, at Prospect HS will host an in-person information meeting re: Costco. El Paseo developer submitted a change to project to minimum requirements. Stevens Creek corridor meeting in Cupertino next week. Saratoga safety improvements to be completed by Spring of 2024. Payne Ave. Friendship Park part one will be completed in February. Flock camera system being studied by city attorney. SJS grad students will study Saratoga improvements. Wants VTA to pay more attention to the SJ west side bus routes. Suggested HS seniors to be crossing guards. Wants to launch a storm drain adoption program.
Steve Ling-Capt. Torres simply wants access to neighbors’ cameras.
Doris Livezey-What’s happening with the Lawrence development?
RK: Transmission line under property stopping development.
Betty Kabanek-What’s happening with the Salvation Army building.
RK: Starting conversation with business owners about Winchester Blvd. future development.
Member-Is city overspending on VTA.
RK: Costs for VTA are high and not going down.
Bob Levy-Wants adequate money for park lands in D1.
RK: Working with Park staff to improve SJ parks in D1.
Marc Pawliger (MP)-Made presentation on the current status of the Costco project. Full presentation was sent to the D1 L.G. members.
Doris L.-What was traffic with old stores before Costco?
MP: Can’t easily relate to Costco project.
Gary Smith-Meeting at Prospect, room 30, faces Prospect Ave.
Member-Wants lighting minimized.
C. Black-Costco can build an urban warehouse with parking on top.
MP: Can’t imagine that Costco would build rooftop parking.
Amy Cody-Moreland West residents have questions on building heights at El Paseo.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:40 am.

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