11-09-19 – General Meeting
Minutes (approved at 1/25/20 meeting)
Rebekah Ross, a planner for the City of San Jose’ Park Recreation and Neighborhood Services (PRNS) explains the motivation for looking at simplifying the rules for developers to provide for park facilities. She points out that this conversation is just starting and encourages D1 residents to voice their opinions about how the rules should be changed by reaching out to her ([email protected]) the vice mayor, https://www.sjdistrict1.com/contact-chappie/
Mary Tucker Climate Smart Community Engagement Coordinator of the Environmental Services Department for the City of San Jose provides an update of what she and her group are doing to engage community groups, such as the D1 Leadership Group.
Finally, Jay Macintosh provides an overview of how you can be involved in a new initiative to help foster youth navigate the path to adulthood.
AGENDA – Saturday, November 9th, 9 AM West Valley Library
- General Business 9:00
- Agenda and Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Floor Nominations for 2020-2021 D1 Steering Committee
- District 1 Council Office Update 9:30
- Discussion Topics 9:45
- Re Elle Snyder will provide an update on the reenergized D1 Youth Advisory Commission. ~10 min
- Rebekah Ross will lead a discussion regarding the City’s Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services Department consideration of a change to an existing Resolution that allows developers to get Private Recreation Credits towards their parkland obligation for providing on-site recreational amenities. ~20 min
- Mary Tucker of the City of San Jose’s Environmental Services Department will lead an engagement/Q&A session regarding climate change–concerns, opportunities, and needs. ~20 min
- The Caring Village – According to Jay Macintosh, foster kids account for 0.6% of the population, but 20% of the homeless. He will discuss his unique platform that is a sort of crowd-sourced solution to mentoring this group that is easily overlooked ~20 min
- Adjourn meeting 11:00
Future D1LG meeting dates for your calendar (Second Saturday of odd-numbered months), Saturday, January 11, 2020.