Neighborhoods Commission
Gary Cunningham
[email protected]
21 January 2023
Neighborhoods Commission Update
Neighborhoods Commission (NC). As defined in San José City Ordinance No. 29297, the Neighborhoods Commission (NC) has the functions, powers, and duties to study, review, and evaluate and make recommendations to the Council regarding issues, policies, and programs affecting the quality of life in San José neighborhoods focusing on neighborhood safety, transportation, and code enforcement. The NC also advises and makes recommendations to the Council regarding annual budget priorities. The NC is the only SJ commission whose members are selected by neighborhood caucus and approved by the SJ City Council.
The Neighborhoods Commission has not met since June 8, 2022 and is in the process of being reorganized.
Independent Citizens Oversight Committee (ICOC). City of San José Council Resolution No. 78016, adopted December 13, 2016 designated the NC as the San José City’s Measure B 1⁄4-cent Sales Tax independent citizen’s oversight committee (ICOC). The ICOC will analyze the Measure B 1⁄4-cent Sales Tax data provided by the city and produce an annual report containing an evaluation of the proposed budget allocations with the actual expenditure, and the resultant outcome and submit that report to the City Council.
The Independent Citizens Oversight Committee of the Neighborhoods Commission has not met since
January 5, 2022. At that meeting, the ICOC approved the FY 2020-2021 ICOC Measure B Tax Report. There has been no NC ICOC oversight conducted on the FY 2021-2022 Measure B 1⁄4-cent Sales Tax revenue of approximately $40 million. The ICOC has conducted oversight from 2016 through 2021. The Measure B 1⁄4-cent Sales Tax total revenue for the five years of ICOC oversight was $202,744,185 and the allocations averaged $40,530,483. The following table provides a summary of the 5-year allocations.
FY 2016-FY 2021 Measure B 1 /4-Cent Sales Tax 5 Year Allocations
Measure B Category Measure B Measure B
$ Allocated % Allocated
Improving Police Response to Reduce Violent Crimes and Burglaries 117,543,808 58.0
Improving 911/Emergency Medical/Fire Response Times 35,895,029 17.7
Repairing Potholes and Streets 19,681,003 9.7
Expanding Gang Prevention 8,719,777 4.3
Maintaining the City’s Long-Term Financial Stability 9,150,000 4.5
Other 11,754,568 5.8
Total 202,744,185 100.0