D1 L.G. General Business Meeting November 16, 2024 West Valley Library Community Room

 Nov, 16 - 2024   Meetings & Commission Reports

Steve Ling opened the meeting at 9:05 am, and introduced board officers.

Meeting Attendees: Officers: Steve Ling, Chair, Gary Cunningham, Vice-Chair, Jerry Giles, Secretary, Betty Kabanek, Treasurer, and Doris Livezey, Member-at-Large.
Other Attendees: Richard Stevens, Elizabeth Guimarin, Ashesh Singh, Suzanne Regal, Lloyd Boggs, Jon Linthucum, Chris Giangrecco, Amy Cody, Gary Smith, Bob Levy, Mayor Matt Mahan, Vice-Mayor Rosemary Kamei, Lorena Rivera (D1 Council Office), S.J. Police Captain Tran, Olympia Williams-S.J. Division Mgr. for Beautify San Jose, and her staff members, Aurelia Bailey and Xochitl Montes.

Action Items:
Jerry Giles: Urged members to recruit candidates for the D1 Board of Officers.

Motions Passed:
Doris Livezey motioned to approve, Betty Kabanek seconded, and motion passed to approve 9.28.24 minutes.

Vice-Mayor Kamei: Advised members to apply now for Beautify San Jose cycle 7 grant funds. Updated members regarding Urban Villages, Costco project, El Paseo project, affordable housing progress, and Saratoga Park cleanup on 11/17.

Mayor Matt Mahan: Presented his continuum of “Homeless to Home Owner”. 20 years ago, the city established shelter sites. 15 years ago, the city started to build small affordable housing units. However, people couldn’t adhere to the requirements or maintain their eligibility for the affordable housing units. People went back onto the streets. Now, we want to build more shelters and provide social services to get people into shelters, then into affordable housing.
Council District 4 will see the greatest increase in permanent supportive housing.

Betty Kabanek: Our bank balance at 11/16/24 is $2,761.02. We have $1,200 unspent cycle 6 grant funds. Contact Betty if you want to have events under cycle 6 as all unspent funds at 3/31/25 must be returned to the UNSCC.

Captain Tran: Just newly appointed. Captain Torres moved to Special Operations. Captain Tran: Working on Winchester Blvd. gang activity.

Olympia Williams-Div. Mgr. for Beautify San Jose and her staff: Discussed Red Light Camera program to lessen speeding, Dept. 311 issues, and the Beautify San Jose grant program.

Gary Cunningham: Presented San Jose’s Measure T Community Oversight Committee’s FY2023-FY2024 status on Measure T.

Steve Ling: Adjourned meeting at 11:45 a.m.

Next meeting will be at the Calabazas Park Community Room on January 18, 2025.

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